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CrimeStoppers presents awards

COVID-19 prevented us from hosting our awards banquet this year, but Crime Stoppers Board President Tonja McCawley. and our other board members have still been busy handing out awards.

Norman Police Department: Bill Scanlon is NPD’sVolunteer of the Year. A dedicated and reliable volunteer, Bill spends countless hours working with the Records Division while also assisting with a number of other NPD community outreach initiatives. We are grateful for his dedication to the Norman community. Detective Kellee Robertson is NPD’s Officer of the Year. Detective Robertson was awarded for her work on community partnerships and a number of major investigations in 2020. She currently serves in the Investigations Division and leads the department’s Therapy K-9 program. Brent Barbourr is NPD’s Supervisor of the Year. A key player in the essential function, strategic vision, and logistical operation of the department, Barbour is a reliable and dedicated supervisor. He currently serves as the captain overseeing planning and logistics. Sara Doherty is NPD’s Civilian of the Year. Sara was awarded for her work redeveloping and improving NPD’s recruiting and hiring processes which encompasses more than 250 positions. Always one of the first to lend a hand, Sara is representative of relentless commitment, dedication and the upmost professionalism. Sara is the Admin Tech III who oversees hiring processes as well as a number of other internal human resource functions.

District Attorney’s Office: ADA Kristi Johnson was selected as Assistant District Attorney of the year. Johnson has served District 21 for 10 years in the Cleveland County Juvenile Division as an Assistant District Attorney. Despite the terrific challenges and demands these cases can have for a prosecutor, she has done an exemplary job serving in that role. Although her dockets and responsibilities are in Norman, many can share stories about cases in which Johnson has helped staff in McClain and Garvin Counties as well. She has developed a reputation for being that ‘go-to’ person not only within our District but beyond our District helping anyone that calls for assistance. She displays a terrific work ethic and daily dedication to the mission of justice.

Noble Police Department: Crime Stoppers was proud to join Noble Police Chief Keith Springstead in presenting the Officer of the Year Award to Officer Kevin Standridge for his dedication and continued efforts to improve through training and education. Chief Springstead said Officer Standridge first tried to join the agency as a dispatcher at age 17. The Chief told him to come back when he was 18 and he did, serving as dispatcher and a dispatch supervisor before joining the force. Fellow officers describe him as an ethical and moral person who makes sound judgements and good decisions.

University of Oklahoma Police Department: Crime Stoppers was delighted to join University of Oklahoma Police Chief Nate Tarver in presenting Officer of the Year and Employee of the Year awards to Officer Gema Kious, Officer Sarah Stolfa and CSO III Jeremy Baird. Officer Gena Kious, co-recipient of Officer of the Year! Officer Kious was recognized by Chief Nate Tarver, OUPD and Crime Stoppers for her incredible work ethic and positive attitude. She is active as a defensive tactics instructor, bike instructor and PTO. Most notably, Officer Kious strives to be better than average in her work behavior and unselfishly takes on additional duties as necessary to further the department’s mission. Officer Sarah Stolfa, co-recipient of Officer of the Year! Officer Stolfa was recognized by Chief Nate Tarver, OUPD and Crime Stoppers for her dedication as a PTO (police training officer) who is always willing to assist other officers and police agencies. Officer Stolfa is adept at navigating social media and the surveillance camera system. She has taken time to learn about digital evidence collection in addition to her other duties. She also serves as a member of the OUPD Honor Guard. Campus Security Officer IIIJeremy Baird who was recognized by OUPD Chief Nate Tarver, OUPD and Crime Stoppers as Employee of the Year! CSO Baird has repeatedly impressed his supervisors and coworkers with his consistency and dedication. He is well aware of things going on in his work area and works diligently to assist the commissioned officer in keeping the OU campus safe. CSO Baird is described as the consummate professional who works hard no matter what situation arises. He is selfless as demonstrated during one of the late games last football season when he provided coffee and hot chocolate for coworkers using his own equipment and money.